Changes Through Time

screenshot of the learning object

Title of Resource

Changes through time
Business, Technology, Architecture

Resource Type

Online Interactive Timeline Resource


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Description of Resource

This resource was designed to give students the opportunity to explore the significant changes on our society in relation to Business, Technology and Architecture. The resource makes use of an interactive timeline and encourages students to discover events and facts that have shaped the way we live today.  The timeline is a visual representation of a number of artefacts that occurred at each point in time. Students can navigate through time using different pathways such as dragging the timeline/cursor or clicking on a specific date to get more information on this period in time. The timeline also provides text information of each of the 5 major changes in Business, Technology and Architecture and allows students to print the information. The timeline is also animated so students can sit back and watch the time passing through a collection of images from each period of time.

Learning Strategy

The resource was designed to be used as a blended learning solution and part of the course content for  7012EHR HUMAN RESOURCE INNOVATION & CHANGE MANAGEMENT. Buttons were created to provide additional information for students regarding each of the 5 major changes in Business, Technology and Architecture. The timeline can be used as a stand-alone learning object by students off campus or in classroom with the Academic. The timeline purpose is to show students how Technology & Architecture have visually shaped our way of living over time.

Subject Keywords

Business, Technology, Architecture, Timeline, Innovation, Change

Academic Contributors

Dr Ngaire Bissett
Senior Lecturer

INS, Learning and Teaching Team

INS, L&T Business team
Sue Hickson

If you want to use this resource

This resource may require some re-development to be used in another context.  If you are interested in using this resource in your course contact the Director, Information Services (Learning & Teaching) to discuss. (INS-Learning and Teaching)